
Advanced Caterpillar power train is reliable and fuel efficient.

Electronic Power Shift Transmission.
The electronic power shift transmission
with automatic shift capability is a
countershaft design built by Caterpillar.
It is electronically controlled and allows
full power shifts and directional
changes. Fully modulated gear shifts
contribute to operator comfort and
increase component life.
Electronic Clutch Pressure Control
(ECPC). Senses input from both the
transmission and the operator controls
in the cab to modulate each individual
clutch through a proportional electrohydraulic
valve. This results in smoother
gear changes and improved shift
quality. Energy is modulated into the
clutches, resulting in longer clutch life.
Integrated Braking System. New for
G Series II, IBS integrates downshifting
and transmission neutralization into the
left-hand brake pedal. IBS provides
smooth, optimized transmission
neutralizer performance with a greater
range of adjustability. The Integrated
Braking System also lowers owning
and operating costs by reducing axle
oil temperatures, which can extend
service brake life.
Easy Service. Daily transmission oil
level check is done from the ground
through a well-protected sight gauge.
An oil sampling valve allows quick,
clean access to the transmission for
S•O•SSM oil analysis.
Variable Shift Control. New transmission
feature which allows the operator to
select one of three different shift patterns
based on the application and operating
preferences. VSC reduces fuel
consumption in many applications.
In all modes, full machine power
remains available for loading.
Traction Control System. The Caterpillar
exclusive Traction Control System
traction aid (attachment) has been
improved for G Series II. Sensors and
connectors have been upgraded for
longer life. A new lighted cab switch
indicates when the TCS system is “on.”
The Traction Control System measures
axle shaft rotation and vehicle articulation.
When a tire slips in poor underfoot
conditions the system applies the
service brake and torque is transferred
through the differential to the opposite
side wheel with better traction. TCS is
fully automatic, works on all four wheels
independently and combines the
maneuverability of an open differential
with the power of a limited slip.